In November 2021, over 190 countries will come together for what is widely recognized as the most significant global climate event since the 2015 Paris Agreement. The 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) to the UNFCCC will take place in Glasgow, Scotland with the goal of accelerating action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Paris Agreement, signed by 196 parties at the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris was the first time a global agreement was reached to work together to limit temperature rises to less than 2 degrees Celsius from pre-industrial levels (with a more ambitious goal of 1.5 degrees), to adapt and help others to adapt to a changing climate, and to mobilize the finances necessary to meet the goals of the agreement. Every five years, each country has agreed to make adjustments and bring forth a plan that represents the highest level of ambition that they are willing to adhere to. This year’s Conference comes at a crucial time, as recent reports show that we are not on track to meet those goals, and much more ambitious plans are needed, especially from developed nations.
In July 2021, Salesforce announced that it will be a Partner Sponsor at the 26th UN Conference of the Parties (read more about the Salesforce sponsorship here), and we are thrilled to announce that #TheSDGVizProject will be teaming up with Tableau to #Viz4ClimateAction!
#Viz4ClimateAction is a global data visualization challenge centered around the 4 goals of the Climate Change Conference; Mitigation, Adaptation, Finance, and Collaboration. All submissions that meet the challenge criteria below will be featured in a gallery on Tableau’s web site and #TheSDGVizProject web site. The top 3 vizzes, selected by Andy Cotgreave, Technical Evangelist at Tableau, and Clayton Aldern, data journalist at Grist, will each receive a $100 gift card to the Tableau Store, and will be highlighted in upcoming blog posts from Tableau and #TheSDGVizProject.
How to Enter
- Create an impactful visualization based on one (or more) of the 4 goals of the conference
- Mitigation – Secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach
- Adaptation – Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats
- Finance – Mobilize finances necessary to deliver on climate goals
- Collaboration – Accelerate collaboration and work together to deliver on climate goals
- Publish your visualization to Tableau Public with the #Viz4ClimateAction hashtag (and please share on social media with the hashtag as well)
- Submit your visualization via #TheSDGVizProject Submission Tracker on or before October 10, 2021
- Other challenge guidelines
- All submissions must be in English
- Use any free and publicly available government or public data set to create your viz (see below for potential data resources)
- Your submission must not supply untruthful, incomplete, inaccurate or misleading information
- Your submission must be your original creation
- Your submission must not include any copyrighted images
The best vizzes will be selected based on the relevance of the data to the topic, the design of the viz, and the impact of the storytelling.
Resources for Climate related data
- The UN SDG Indicators Database
- The Humanitarian Data Exchange
- Climate Action Tracker
- Our World in Data
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- The World Bank
- #TheSDGVizProject – Goal 13: Climate Action
- The IPCC 2021 Summary Report (data can be downloaded here)
To get started, check out some of these inspiring vizzes from the Tableau Community:
- EU ETS: Combatting Climate Change by Simon Stusak
- Garbage in the Ocean by Kasia Gasiewska-Holc
- Rising by Robert Janezic
- Flood Phenomena in Europe by Tamas Varga
- Coral Reefs of Indonesia by Marc Reid
- Co2 Emissions per Capita by Prasaana Ratnam
- Global Warming by Vani Agarwal
- Tornado by Eve Thomas
- The Impact of Disasters by Takafumi Shukuya
- Responsible Consumption & Production by Rushil C
- Checking Earth’s Vital Signs by Vinodh Kumar
- California Wildfires 2020 by Jacqui Moore
- Primary Energy Consumption by Brian Moore
And be sure to check out #TheSDGVizProject Viz Gallery for more vizpiration!
We can’t wait to see all of your submissions. As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. And if you see a viz with the hashtag #Viz4ClimateAction, please share it and help us spread the word!
#TheSDGVizProject Crew