The data provided by the World Health Organization measures the current progress towards each indicator within the 17 Goals. Each of the 17 goals has 1 or more targets, each target can have 1 or more indicator for success, and each indicator can have 1 or sections that need to be measured individually. This data comes from a wide variety of sources, some of which are reported, others are estimated, and others are modeled. The data is also aggregated at multiple levels to report on worldwide progress, regional progress, progress by country, and progress within specific demographics. Please see below for information on each field within the provided data sets.
Goal – A value representing the goal number (1 through 17)
Target – A value representing the Goal and Target
Indicator – A value representing the Goal, Target, and Indicator
SeriesCode – A key representing the section of the indicator that is being measured
SeriesDescription – A textual description of the SeriesCode
GeoCode – A numerical value representing the region that is being reported on
GeoCodeArea – A textual description of the GeoCode
TimePeriod – The year of the reported data
Value – The reported Value for that indicator and series
Source – The source of the reported data
Footnotes – Notes about the collection and reporting of that data
Nature – The way in which that data was collected
- G – Global Monitoring Data: Produced on a regular basis by the designated reporting agency
- C – Country Data: Produced and disseminated by the country
- CA – Country Data Adjusted: Produced by the country and adjusted to adhere to reporting standards, definitions, and classifications
- E – Estimated: Estimations based on national data such as surveys, or administrative records
- M – Modelled: Modelled by the designated agency when there is a complete lack of data
Units – The type of measure corresponding to the Value field (ex. PERCENT, NUMBER)
In some months, additional attribute fields are included in the UN SDG data. For definitions of those fields, please see the “Code Descriptions” table that accompanies that month’s data