Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

In November, #TheSDGVizProject focused on Goal 10, Reducing Inequalities. Although many of the goals up to this point have been related to reducing various inequalities around the world, it is the sole focus of Goal 10. Continue below for this month’s submissions, some highlights of what we learned from those submissions, and some ways that you can help contribute to reducing inequality.

We would also like to thank everyone for their support this month, and every month since the project started. 10 months into the project we’ve had nearly 50 participants, 5 of which have participated in every Goal, and nearly 150 vizzes related to the Sustainable Development Goals.

See all of this month’s submissions below, click on them to view them on Tableau Public, and make sure to check them out in our Viz Gallery

November Submissions:





What we learned from this month’s submissions:

  • Income Inequality is prevalent in every region, even in the most developed nations. The United States and the United Kingdom are ranked 10th and 12th, respectively, in terms of worst income inequality (using the GINI coefficient).
  • North America represents less than 6% of the world’s total population, but over 30% of the world’s total wealth. Africa, on the other hand, represents over 12% of the world’s population, and roughly 1% of the world’s wealth
  • Labor Share per GDP, measures workers’ compensation vs GDP. When GDP increases without equal increases in Labor Shares, it can lead to worsening income inequality. Labor Shares per GDP have been stagnant in developing nations and have been decreasing in less developed nations
  • In 2018, there were over 125 Billion in ODA (Official Development Assistance) contributions worldwide. The United States accounted for roughly 25% of those donations
  • In the years between 2014 and 2017 more people in Libya died or disappeared during migration than the rest of the world combined
  • There are over 25 countries where 20% or more of the population receives less than half of the country median income
  • Regardless of region, between 9% and 19% of people live under very limited income. This proportion is highest in Latin America (19%), North America (16%), and Sub-Saharan Africa (15%)

How can we contribute to reducing inequality?

In all of the previous recaps, we’ve discussed how you can contribute to reducing various types of inequalities. Use the links below to see how you can help fight different types of inequality around the world;

Income Inequality – Goal 1

Education Inequality – Goal 4

Gender Inequality – Goal 5

Access to Clean Water and Sanitation – Goal 6

Access to Affordable Energy – Goal 7

For other ways to help, check out our previous Recap posts.

Thank you for another great month, and keep an eye on our blog for the December Goal Announcement!